Overlays in Photoshop (I’m getting nervous here…….)

Ok, so I know I am bad at photoshop.  I have an outdated version I have used for over 7 years.  But I really want to tell you guys how to do an overlay.  I really enjoy these and I think you will too.  So, here goes….

You ask, what is an overlay?

This is an overlay.

You do this by merging two images into one.
Here are the two images I used to make this one photo.

I took the photograph of my girl, the strip of film I downloaded off the internet. There are lots of sites that allow you to download images like the one above for free.  So, I am now going to do my best to explain how you merge these together. Keep in mind that my version of photoshop is old, but doing it in newer programs is basically the same.
1.  Find a photo you want to try it on (to make it easy I will say a photo of family).
2. Open the photo in photoshop.
3. Find an overlay on the internet and open it up. You should now have both images opened up.
4. Go to image-resize and make sure both images are the same size.
5. Select the overlay image by going to select-select all and then go to Edit- copy and copy the image onto the photo of family.
6. Go to the Layers box and use the drop down menu to select overlay.
7. You should see both images on the screen merged together now.
8. At this point I use the eraser tool to erase the middle of the photo. I think it looks better this way.
9. Go to layers- flatten image and you are done.
 Not so hard right? Well, if you have questions let me know and I will do my best to answer them. If I can’t help you out at least I can send you somewhere where someone else can help explain. Anyway, here is another photo I have used an overlay on. Hope you enjoy and don’t forget to become a follower or bookmark this page. Thanks:)

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