Do you want a professional opinion on your photography?

Have you ever wanted to enter a photo contest but you were unsure which print to enter?  I have.  Well, here is your chance to have your photo critiqued by a pro (maybe it will help you win that contest). It’s always a good idea to get an objective opinion on your work, and here is your chance to see what I think and, through the comments, what others think as well.

Here is how it will work. You send an image to me at my email address: I will critique it and then post it on my site so others can leave comments.  I promise you I will give you my sincere opinion.  If I don’t like it I will tell you. If I do like it I will tell you.
You then will have the opportunity to fix it and send if back to me for a second critique (if you want).
I believe this is an excellent way to learn and become a better photographer.  Making your photography better is the reason I have started the site, so send me  your work and see what I think about it!

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