Three things every photographer should have in their bag.

So, I was thinking about my equipment and thinking some more about what to write about.  It has been a while since I have done a post and I really am sorry about that.  Life gets very busy some times. Hopefully it will slow down soon. Anyway, here is a list of a few items I feel every photographer should have.

1. Tripod

This is a necessity for every photographer.  If you are at all serious about photography, get a good tripod.  I have a bogen tripod that I got in 1990.  It has been a life saver.  If you are photographing landscapes you will want to use a small aperture and this means a slower shutter speed. To avoid blur, use a tripod.  If you shoot portraits a tripod is great. You can put your camera on it and then go pose your subject.

                                                                Manfrotto Modo 785B Tripod
2.  Polarizer filter

Do you want blue skies and better color in your photographs?  Put one of these babies on the front of your lens and you will almost always get better shots!  Make sure you get a circular polarizer if you use an auto focus lens.      

                                              Tiffen - Filter - circular polarizer - 77 mm

3. Neutral Density Filter

For the landscape photographer a neutral density filter is a must!   You might want to get a split neutral density filter also.  You ask what is a neutral density filter.  Simply , it is  a filter that blocks light coming into you lens. This allows you to use longer shutter speeds to get shots like this:

Of course, you will also need a tripod for this shot;)

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