Archive | February 2011

Photography From a Follower!!!

This photo was taken by Hussam Abdullah Al Tokhai.  He lives in Saudi Arabia.  He sent me this shot and asked me if I liked it. I do!  What I like about it is the great Composition.  He added the rocks in the foreground.  It’s got great subltle tones also.Thanks For the Great Shot Hussam!
Info about Hussam:
Taken in Saudi Arabia ,Ad Dawadimi City

It’s a swamp of water in my cousin’s farm.  My name isHussam Abdullah Al Tokha.

I was born on Feb 5th 1991 , I’m 20 years old
Studying at King Saoud University and my major is Computer Science
I’m in love with photography . Canon 450D user.
Photo Info:

Canon EOS 450D
Canon EF 50mm II
S/15 second
ISO 100

New Flickr Page- Add Some Photos!!!!!

Hey, I just started a Flickr Group!! Follow the link and add some photos to the group!!!

I will put a link onto my blog soon. For now use the one above! Thanks!!!

How to Photography The Moon

The other day a friend asked me if I had ever taken a photo of the moon.  He had tried several times and just couldn’t get a good shot. I told him I had and there are a few tricks to getting a good shot of the moon. Almost every photographer tries at some point to photograph the moon and most results are blurry, and too bright.

To get a better moon shot follow the tips below.

1. Shutter speed-Because of its rotation around the earth the moon is always moving. It moves slow, but it’s fast enought that if you use a long shutter speed you will get a blurred picture.  You need to use the fastest shutterspeed that you can with the smallest aperture to keep the image sharp.  To get a good shot of the moon with a 300mm lens you should use a shutter speed of at least 350/second.

2. Exposure-  When photographing the moon, don’t photograph it like a night subject.  The sun reflects off the moon and because of this the moon is actually really bright. It’s like photographying a light bulb in a dark room.  What you want to do is to take a meter reading of the moon and then underexpose it by 1 stop.  It is also good to bracket your exposure.  You might wonder what “bracketing” means. What it means is to take several of the same shots at different exposures.  Take a shot at -1 stop and then one at -.5 stop and -1.5 stops.  You want to use the smallest f-stop possible so you can increase the depth of field in your photo.

3. Time to shoot- You would think the best time to photograph the moon is late at night, but it’s not.  The best time to shoot the moon is just before  sunrise or right after sunset.  Ideally you want the sky to be a dark blue.  Because of the moons cycle, there are several times during the month where the moon rises and sets before dark night. Take advantage of these days if you can.

I hope this has been a helpful.  If you decide to try this out, send me your shot and I will add it to the site!
Thanks everyone!

TtV Photography

I was at the book store the other day and ran across a book on creative photography.   I was looking through it and found a chapter on Ttv photography.  What you do is you get an old camera and shoot through the viewfinder of the old camera.  Around a year ago I did this without knowing I was doing it. I have an old Edixa camera from the 60’s that I used.

Anyway, I found some videos that explain how to do it! It’s fun to try and I think this would be a great idea to try for portraits.  Let me know what you think by leaving comments.

Review for Lumix DMC-GF1

I think this is a really great camera.  For those of you who are looking for a camera that is small, light weight, easy to use, and takes photos comparable to a DSLR,  you don’t have to wait any longer.
Actually, this camera has been out for over a year and is soon to be replaced by the GF2. 
It is a ILC(interchangeable lens compact)  
Another big benefit to this camera is the cost.  You can buy this camera for around 500 dollars(body) and the lenses are very cost efficient without losing quality.  There are also adapters on the market that allow you to use old lenses(canon, nikon, pentax, leica) on this camera.  If you are interested in this type of camera let me know and I can send you more info. Anyway, I found this review online and thought it was neat.
Here goes!!!