Archive | April 2011

Good advise from Ansel Adams on Visualization!

Advise from Ansel Adams on Visualization!

Tips on how to Photograph Children

A few good ideas on how to photograph Children.


How to Get That Dreamy Look with Water.

This is one of my favorite things go do.  I have a few neutral density.

Here is a shot that I took with a neutral density filter.


Food Photography

Here is a short video on food photography.  Yesterday I was on one of the sites I use for stock photograph and I went to the page where they let photographers know what kind of photos they need.  They said they need nice food shots.  There is a big demand in this area.  One thing to think about when you decide to pursue photography as a business is what niche you want to be in. If you like food,  it might be a good idea to become a food photographer.  Right now there is demand for it!

An Amazing Video on Natural Light Portraits.

A really amazing video on how to get the most from natural light for portraits!! Hope you enjoy!!!

Digital Infrared Photography

Short video on Digital Infrared Photography!!!


Here is what it looks like!

How To Photograph Lightning!!!!

A short video on how to photograph lightning!!! Ejoy!!

Some photos to inspire you!!!!

Add Impact to Your Black and White Photos.

This is a great way to add a little sparkle to your images.


Night Shots from Me.

I live in a small town in Idaho and sometimes I get really bored.  Last night I just couldn’t stand it any more so I grabbed my camera and got in my car. I didn’t know what I was going to shoot but I was on a mission.  It had been raining all day long and it was around 10:00pm.  Well, I took a few shots and I thought I would share them with you.  Please comment and let me know if you like them or if there is something I could have done better.
Thank you,

A Local Gas Station

Main Street

Bleachers at the High School