Archive | October 2011

Awesome video on how to look slimmer in photographs!!

You gotta see this!! Really cool video on how to look slimmer in photos!!

Learn what controls Depth of Field!!

Watch this short video on what controls Depth of Field!!!

Learn How to Take Care of Your lens

Learn how to take care of your lenses!  Really great video!!

Digital Camera Basic- Great Video!

Great video on the basics of DSLR’s.  I couldn’t agree more on what he says about lenses and on the camera body!! Enjoy!!

How To Use a Reflector to get Awesome Portraits!

This is a great video on how to use a reflector to get amazing portrait shots!!!

Learn about ND Filters!

Great Video on neutral density filters!! Watch the Video!!!

Why Shoot RAW instead of JPEG’s!

Learn why you should shoot in RAW instead of JPEG! Watch the Video!!

What is Bokeh!! Learn

Learn about Bokeh. Watch the video!!!

Rokinon 85mm f1/4 lens review

I have this lens and absolutely love it!  You can find it under the Rokinon, Samyang, and a few other brand names. They are all the same!! Watch the video to learn more!!!

Natural Light Tips in Photography!!

This is a great video on natural light tips!! Enjoy!!