Archive | January 2012

How to make a Beauty Dish and How to use a Beauty Dish!

Really cool video on how to make a Beauty Dish!!

The best place to learn about photography!

Now, a Tutorial on how to use a Beauty Dish!!!

How to Use Flash to Control Contrast in You Pictures!

Great Short video on how to use your flash to kill ambient light and creat contrast in you pictures.  If your a beginner you might have a tough time understanding this video. My suggestion is to try to duplicate the process.  Also, just so you know, ambient light simply means natural light.  If you are going to do this you will need a radio flash trigger, a flash and a tripod(and a camera of course). If you have questions please let me know. I also have another tutorial that I wrote that might be easier to understand.  Click here for the link. Enjoy!!

The best place to learn about photography!

Great Tips on Landscape Photography!

This is a great video on how to get better landscape photos.

The best place to learn about photography!

Great tips for Wildlife Photography!

Great Video on Photographing Wildlife!!

The best place to learn about photography!

Short video on Posing Tips!

This is a really short video on a few tips for posing people!! Enjoy!!

The best place to learn about photography!

Which is Better? DSLR or Mirrorless?

Which type of camera is better? DSLR or Mirrorless? Watch the video and then make up your own mind!

The best place to learn about photography!

Portraits with One Flash!!

Great video on how to take portraits with a one flash setup!!  Great Video!!

The best place to learn about photography!

Photo Shot for Chevy Interactive website!

Check out my photos!! I’ve teamed up with @Chevrolet to add pics to the interactive map at RoadWereOn.Chevrolet.Com.

Fujifilm X-Pro 1 First look!!

Oh my@$!, This is the coolest thing since, well, I guess it’s even cooler that sliced bread!!  New on the street is the body will cost around $1600!  Is it worth it? Well, we will find out soon. I will post reviews as soon as they are available!

The best place to learn about photography!

Focal Length Explained!!

Awesome video On focal lengths!!

The best place to learn about photography!