Archive | April 2012

Hidden Iphone Photography Tricks!

I love this video! I have an Iphone and love it.  Enjoy!

Oh, I did a test video and put it on Youtube. I actually used my Iphone. Click here to check it out. Keep in mind that I am sick and my kids won’t let me relax. Gotta love them though. 

Photographing a Poppy Field!!

Tips on photographing a poppy field, or flowers in general!

How to Photograph Bears in Alaska!

Cool Video on how to photograph Brown Bears on Alaska!   I can’t believe he gets so close!

How to Take Pictures of Fire… or Maybe Water Instead..

Great Video on how to take photos of water.. It started out as fire but ends up as water!

High Speed Photography Tutorial! Blowing up a Balloon with a Gun!

I don’t know that I will ever try this but it’s very entertaining and truthfully just plain Cool!!!  Actually, just blowing up stuff is cool!

A Landscape Photography Ebook That is Worth Every Penny!

I found this Ebook online and it is amazing!!  I don’t personally recommend a lot of books, but this one is great! It gets my seal of approval!  I like it so much I had to write a post really quick to let 
everyone know about it.

You will learn about lighting, composition, how to set your camera, how to use hyperfocal distance for sharper photos, post processing, and a ton of other stuff!
 Pretty soon I am going to add a online store to this site soon and this book will be on it!! Check it out and if you are serious about landscape and want to get better buy it! It’s only $19 so it’s not expensive!

To buy it Click Here! 
Pretty soon you will know how to take pictures like these and then it’s up to you to get out and practice!