Archive | July 2012

Photography Tips: If You Want To Be Successful in Photography, Be Like Madonna.

So, I right after I did my last post I got a comment from a friend of mine that said

 “Firstly, I think you make a most valid point about the importance of viewing the work of others, it’s critical to improving your own skills and in turn developing your own unique style. I’ve only looked briefly at the Flickr Streams mentioned here, the quality stands out immediately but so too does the diversity in styles.” 

First of all, Thanks Jason for the great comment. As Jason reaffirmed, and as I mentioned in the last post, it is a great way to learn and grow. His comment really got me thinking about how being on flickr and other photography sharing sites has helped me. Here’s the thing, I am 39 years old, I shot my first wedding 25 years ago at the age of 14, I went to college and have a major in photography, I learned using film, and then about 7 years ago I got my first digital camera. Digital really does make things easier but I had to learn a lot of new stuff when I switched. If you want to grow to be a better photographer you have to constantly learn. It’s that simple.  It is a life long process and should never stop.  
So, after thinking about the biggest reason that Flickr has helped me I came to this simple conclusion.  It has helped me be more like Madonna. Now, I never wore my underwear over my clothing because that is simply gross, and I don’t appear nude in my photos, and I really can’t sing that well. But what made Madonna so great? She constantly reinvented herself. It’s the same with U2, and The Rolling Stones(I can’t believe Keith Richards is still alive!) and other bands that are still popular 20 years after they started. 

Flickr has helped me “reinvent” Myself. 

You ask, “how do you mean?”  

There are photographers in my town, and probably every town in the world, who learned photography 10 or 15 years ago that shoot in a style that is 10 or 15 years old.  If you are a photographer that started shooting 10 or 15 years ago and are still shooting the same way you did when you started your days are numbered.  
When I look at wedding photos taken by me 20 years ago, I don’t like what I see. I used to use on camera flash, and would pose the people in lines. That was the style back then. The photos were good then, but now photographic styles have evolved. I have reinvented my style. If I shot like I did 20 years ago I would not be able to make it  in the town where I live. 

If you are starting out in photography you should keep up on styles and trend. Use filckr for that.  If you are an old timer like me and you want to have relevant work, look at flickr and don’t be afraid to try new things. 

So, in a nutshell, what I am saying is look at flickr and use it to learn and grow. Stay up on the latest ideas and  trends in photography. Read books, read this blog, read other blogs and keep on progressing as a photographer. Don’t be afraid to try new things. When you fail, don’t give up. Keep going at it until you have it mastered, and reinvent your photography ever year or so. If you do these things it will help you be successful as a photographer.  Be like Madonna!

For fun I will post a photo from a wedding that I took 7 years ago and one that I shot just last week.  
Hope you enjoy! Thanks so much for reading this blog and please follow us on Facebook!!

I would love to hear your comments on this post. Do you agree or disagree?

This one was taken 7 years ago!

Montana Wedding Photographer

This one was taken 7 days ago!  Can you see the change in styles? I can!

Missoula Wedding Photographer

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Photography Training: 3 Top Photographers to Follow on Flickr

I started this project a few months ago and really dropped the ball. I made my list of the top Photogaphers to follow on flickr, contacted them to make sure they were o.k. with it and then…………………………nothing.  I got really busy running my own business and got side tracked from working on this site.   Well, after a few months of feeling guilt from not doing what I said I would do, I decided to resurrect the post.

When it comes to advancing in knowledge, it is always good to look at masters in your field. I mean, who better to learn from right?   I have been shooting for over 25 years and I still, constantly, look at the work of others. These are 3 of the top photographers to follow on I have asked them all to submit a short Bio and submit a photo of their choice. To see more of their work click on the links I have provided below!

*Note their is no order. These photographers are all at the top of their universe.

1. Lou O’Bedlam 

I was born, live and hope to one day die in Los Angeles. 
I was born in 1977. 
I work as a medic. 
I first started shooting Polaroids when I was 18. 

Flickr link

Lou O’Bedlam Website

2. Jordan Voth

My name is Jordan Voth and I’m a 22-year-old portrait photographer based out of Seattle, WA. I’ve been photographing people for about 4 years now and I’ve loved every minute of it. I’m still currently in school working on two degrees in Accounting and Finance. I love traveling and have enjoyed being able to photograph people in many different places around the country. I’m always up for talking with people so if you have any questions.
 about anything, feel free to ask!

Flickr link!

3. isayx3

I started photography in 2008 when the Design Stuido i work at (PlainJoe Studios) bought a DSLR. In 2009 I started a 365 project on flickr. Within a few months the project started picking up followers and supporters which enouraged me to keep it up. After that project I setup my photoblog which shares a lot of the things I learned during that year. I shoot everything but I prefer taking portraits.

Flickr link

Viridian (shot with a tri-flash adapter)

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Photography Tips: Mistakes to Avoid as a Beginner Photographer

Great tips for beginner photographers!!

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Photography Tips and Training:Camera Jargon Explained

Great video on how to understand what photographers say!

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Photography Training and Tips:Canon 50mm f/1.2 L vs Leica Noctilux f/0.95 (Battle of Bokeh)

Battle of the Bokeh.  Find out which lens has better bokeh, the Leica Noctilux or the 50mm Canon f/1.2

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10 Ways to be More Creative With Your Photography by Luke Chapman!

How to be creative at photography by Luke Chapman
Everyone who has a DSLR camera wants to know how to get their camera off program mode and onto manual mode.  Whilst this is important, as there are some great techniques you can use in manual mode, people forget about the creative side of photography and worry too much about the technical side. If I can recommend one thing it would be to spend 30% of your time learning about the technical side of photography and 70% of your time honing your creative flare. Below are 10 tips to make you more creative.
1 It’s not all technical
When it comes to getting creative at photography don’t get too fanatical about the setting on your camera. A well thought-out photo in program mode is going to be much better than a photo that has been shot in manual mode but with less thought given to the overall photo.
2 Change perspective – shoot high, shoot low
So many photographers shoot at eye level, but things get really interesting when you change the height of the camera. Crouch down low and shoot up and all of a sudden you enter a whole new world.

3 Don’t have your camera around your neck
I am still amazed by how many photographers shoot with the camera around their neck. This is such a lazy way of taking photos as you are basically telling yourself that all the photos you are going to take are head height to the length of your camera straps.
I wrap the strap around my hand and then hold onto my camera, that way I have full range of use with my camera. I can shoot at floor level or up high and I don’t have to be looking through the view finder either. Now you can take some really interesting photos from a new angle.
4 Sit and wait
It might only take a fraction of a second to take a photo but the waiting can take hours or even days.  Wildlife photographers spend many an hour waiting for the perfect moment to take the picture.
The difference between taking snaps and producing art is not rushing the shot and taking your time to think about each picture before you press the shutter release button.
5 Limit yourself to only 24 shots
In the olden days you could buy films with 24 exposures on them, now you can take 1000 photos with digital cameras. If you limit yourself to 24 photos per day of photography you will be much more selective with your shots. This technique is great for 2 reasons – firstly it makes you think about every shot and secondly it saves you a lot of time when reviewing your photos as there are less photos to go through.

6 Don’t rush your shot
Everyone is always in such a rush in today’s world, but one time when it pays not to rush is when taking photos. By taking your time you are actually thinking about each shot and selecting what it is you want the viewer to look at. You spend more time looking at the angles, the light and the contrast in colours, which will ultimately improve the overall shot.
7 Framing your shot
When you are out and about look out for interesting objects. Is there a sculpture or a window frame that you could use to shoot through to change the point of view and create a natural frame around your picture? By having an open mind and having a keen eye you can add a new twist to your photos.

8 Using reflections
Reflections are great as they add new interest to your images and help create depth and detail in your photos. Keep an eye out for reflection in puddles, windows, buildings, sculptures or indeed any shiny surface.
9 You tell the story
Being the photographer you are telling a story to your audience and you must communicate what is important in each photo. Where do you want your viewer to look?  Is it in the centre, left or the right of the photo?  Is the most important thing in the photo in the foreground or the background? 
What is it about the shot that you found interesting?  You must tell your audience otherwise they will not make an emotional connection with your photo.

10 Think
Thinking is the most important thing of all when it comes to being a photographer.  A great photographer is always thinking about the shot and what it is about the shot that makes it interesting. By thinking, the photo becomes much more than just a click of the button. Everyone can take a photo, but very few can take a great shot.  Spending time thinking before pressing the button will develop your creative side, which will in turn show in your photos.

Luke Chapman-
Founder of the Official London Photography Tours with a love of everything to do with photography. On our London photography tours we use London as our playground and are proud to offer the best London photo walks in the capital.

I’d like to personally thank Luke for being my first Guest Writer.  Luke has done a wonderful job at writing a great article that is full of important information. Please visit his sites and thank you for visit Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Training, and Tutorials! Please visit our Facebook Page !

Photography Tips and Tutorails:Creating a Natural Landscape HDR Effect in Lightroom

Great Video for learning how to use Lightroom 4!! I love this!

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Photography Tips and Training:Macro Photography

This is great video on Macro Photography! Hope you enjoy!

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Photography Tips: How to Take Pictures of Fireworks!

I know this is a little bit late, but late is still better than never! Happy 4th everyone!

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Photography Tips: How to Change any wall to a studio backdrop

Great video. This could be very useful!

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