We Sit on the Same Side of the Table.

I hear it all the time.

missoula-phot“I’m scared to show you what I have.”

“My photos look terrible.”

“I’m afraid to show you want I have.”

Here is the thing…..I used to be a terrible photographer.  Let’s just be honest. I sucked.

It took a long time and lot of years to get where I am at and I still feel I have so much to learn.

What I am saying is I have been where your at. I know how it feels. It’s ok because it’s all about the journey and not about the destination. I’m still not where I want to be.

As a teacher and because I own a photography school I have to give feedback and it can be one of the scariest things in the world for a student to come to me thinking I am going to tear them apart.

Maybe understanding how I look at this will set you at ease. I look at feedback and criticism differently than most teachers.

missoula-photographer-33I want you to know you shouldn’t be afraid. It’s not going to hurt. I am here to help.

When I am talking to you about your work I need you to know that I we are on the same side of the table. This is isn’t football and I’m not here to take you down and shove the ball in your face.  I am on your team. My goal is your goal.  The goal is for you to become more creative and successful as a photographer.

I can hold you accountable without shaming or blaming you. I do this by telling you what you do good and pointing out where you can improve.  It’s as simple as that.

I will listen, ask questions, and accept I may not understand the what you are saying. We might end up talking for 30 minutes so I can understand you. The worst thing in the world is to sit in front of a someone who doesn’t listen and then getting  told what to do.( I’ll tell you right now this is the hardest part for me but I get better everyday because I know how important it is to listen and understand.)

If I have done something has caused concern I will own it. I’m not perfect and trying to be perfect is something I don’t agree with. Making mistakes and not fearing to make them is the best way to grow and learn and become creative and as a teacher it’s my job to make sure you feel comfortable.

missoula-photographer-259I want to know what can I do to support you. What can I do to help you? That’s why I am here.

I never understood teachers and leaders who tear others down. It’s never made sense to me for someone you need to trust and who is supposed to help you to make you feel shame or fear.

Lastly I will thank you for your efforts. Come on…. I know you tried. That’s what its about. I want you trust and try and know that it’s ok to mess up. That’s where creativity grows and that’s how we learn.

So go ahead and take a chance and do something really cool knowing that you might mess up and I am going to think that it’s awesome because you pushed yourself and did at least you tried something cool. If it didn’t work out you can always try again and you will have the experience of the last try to help you out.

In my experience the best way to learn to fly it to fall first.

Glaston-VallhallGlaston Vallhall
I am a pro photographer and owner of Missoula Photography School and Glaston Vallhall. I love teaching and shooting. I shoot Weddings, Portraiture, Fashion, Boudoir and most anything. The only thing I don’t like to shoot is Forensic Photography. Message me when your ready for some amazing original portraits or you just got engaged and need a wedding photographer or you want to take a class! Oh hey, Don’t forget to check out my site and thanks for visiting!

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