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Neutral Density Filter. How to Create Motion in Water.

If  you think this is a hard shot to get you are wrong. I did 4 things.
1. I put the camera on a Tripod
2. I set the camera on f/16 and the aperture priority setting.
3. I attached a neutral density filter.
4. I set the timer for 2 seconds so I would not shake the camera while pushing the shutter button.

This is all there is to it. So the question most of you will ask is what is a neutral density filter?
Simply put and ND filter is a glass or plastic filter that is darkened so that more time or a bigger aperture is needed to gain a correct exposure. This is what a ND filter looks like.

If you attach this to the front of your lens you can either use a longer shutter speed or a larger aperture. It’s really simple and the effects are amazing. You can purchase an Nd filter online for about 18-100 dollars. I use a Fader ND filter. I like the faders because I can carry one filter and not have to worry about stacking them on top of each other if I need a longer exposure. Remember that when you put a filter over your lens it can distort your image. Be careful when you purchase filters. If you get a cheap one it might cause color issues or other quality problems with your images. That being said I paid 18 dollars for my filter.

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Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Training and Tutorials.

Brian Johnson is the owner and main writer for Buffaloz Photography Training. He is a bit weird at times but is always a fun likable guy. He also owns Missoula Photography Schooland Ayres Photography. 

How to Get Rid of Blurry Photos!!

Tips in how to get rid of blurry photos!!