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How to Use Flash to Control Contrast in You Pictures!

Great Short video on how to use your flash to kill ambient light and creat contrast in you pictures.  If your a beginner you might have a tough time understanding this video. My suggestion is to try to duplicate the process.  Also, just so you know, ambient light simply means natural light.  If you are going to do this you will need a radio flash trigger, a flash and a tripod(and a camera of course). If you have questions please let me know. I also have another tutorial that I wrote that might be easier to understand.  Click here for the link. Enjoy!!

The best place to learn about photography!

Portraits with One Flash!!

Great video on how to take portraits with a one flash setup!!  Great Video!!

The best place to learn about photography!

Basic Flash Portrait Photography!!

Great Video on how to use flash to get amazing shot!!!

Tips on Flash Photography

Tips on Flash Photography!!

How To Master Your Flash!!

How to master your flash!!!
Great Video!

How To Use Flash During The Day.

Have you ever had a photo that looked all blown out like this?

Here is the problem. When I took this shot, my daughter was in the shade. The light meter in my camera took the exposure reading off her face. Since she was in the shade, the background became too bright.
So, to solve this problem I needed to add more light to the subject so that the light in front balanced better with the light in the background.  
By using my on camera flash I got this:

See the difference!  The exposure is balanced in this photo.
So next time you are out taking shots and you have a background that is too light, try this technique and see what you get.
BTW, I know this isn’t the best shot of my daughter. In fact the pose is terrible. but I posted it to show the technique. 
Hope you enjoyed this tip. Let me know what you think by adding a comment.

When Blur is a Good Thing. Dedicated to Head Bangers.

So, most of the time when a photo is blurred it is a bad thing. Well, would you say I was crazy if I said sometimes blur is a good thing? I knew it, you think I am crazy.  I am a bit, I mean I can act weird sometimes. My wife says….uh well, let’s leave it at that.
Anyway, I believe that blur can be very effective if used in the right situation. Sometimes you find yourself thinking, “What am I going to do? I forgot my flash and now my photos won’t turn out.”
That is what happened the other night. I went to see Korean dancers. I really could have banged my head against the seat in front of me, but then the police would have asked me to leave.  I had forgotten my flash.  Instead I just figured I would make the best out of it. This is what I got:

Not too shabby eh? this was taken at f2.8 at 4 seconds.
Well, next time you get in a situation like I put myself in, don’t be a head banger, just have fun and do the best you can.
I would love to hear your comments, leave a few 🙂