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LEAKED: Instagram Makes a Camera and My Rant!

HAHA!  So, I have to say that this is funny, but truthfully I LOVE Instagram! I kind get tired of photographers knocking it.  Good job you guys at Instagram. Two years of hard work for a Billion Dollars? Heck yeah, I would do it! That’s Awesome!

Now, my rant.

I have received several comments on posts I have done several posts on cell phone cameras and Instagram and there is a lot of anger out there.  So, to you pro photographers who are upset because now “everyone thinks they are a photographers”,get over it.  They are here to stay so you should check out of Lala land and join reality. Also, If you use vulgar language I will NOT post your comment!  Sorry for this rant but I am tired of pro’s knocking the beginners because they are losing business. Everyone is a beginner at first, even a pro!  If you are losing business to “beginner” you need to accept reality and find a way to deal with it.

P.S. Comments welcome as long as you can write in a way that is understandable and not use obscenities.

One of the Comments I will not post(the cleaned up version).

This was on adroid since the beggining.Share your photo quick means every person with a phone thinks he is a photographer and they will post any @$@(I changed this) picture.Congratulations, our world is getting dumber.

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