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Photography Training: Why it is Important to Touch Up Your Photographs.

Photography Training: Why it is Important to Touch Up Your Photographs.

I have worked for over 20 years as a professional photographer. Everyday that I have taken photos I have learned something new Even though I write this blog and I shoot almost every day I still get a big surprise once in a while. 
I have touched up my images myself since the beginning of my career. I used to develop and print my own film and now I use computer programs which make it a lot easier. 
The other day I had an awakening. I wouldn’t say it was rude because it came from a good friend. I had photographed her son a few weeks ago for his senior portrait. As most boys his age do, he had a small problem with acne. I did not remove them and sent her and gave her the images. Well, she called me yesterday and asked me if I could take care if it. 
It was at that moment that I had a paradigm shift. I had become lazy. I was putting my name out into the public and I wasn’t putting my best foot forward.  When she got off the phone with me I will have to admit I was kind of embarrassed. I have made to new promise to myself that I will only sell, and post( on my various sites) my best work. This principle is the same with any job. Always do your best and don’t do  half @%#@#  work.

Here is an example of an image that is touched up correctly and one that is does half @#$^.

The Image below is good(at least I think it is. I took it)
This Image is better. It took me 5 minutes to do this.
Not touched up but still nice right?
Much better don’t you think?
So, if you don’t have programs to touch up your images then you are missing out. The program that I used to touch up these images cost me $50. That’s it. Anyone can afford it.
Also, you should check out this e-book. 
The Easiest Way to Start a Photography Business Book Click Here! Only $97 dollars!
-If you are interested in starting a photography business, this is a great resource!
All kinds of great info to get you started!!
Portrait Photography Guide Click Here! Only $47 dollars!
Any excellent resource if you are interested in learning the art of Portrait Photography!
If you want to make money at photography they will really help you out. I recommend them. 
As Always thanks for reading this blog and if you have questions please get hold of me or leave a comment.
Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Training and Tutorials.