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Photography Training: How to Make Money with Photography Online.

Photography Training: How to Make Money with Photography Online.
I get asked all the time how I make money with photography online. In fact, I get asked how much too. 
Here is the thing, I married and I have a family to support. I have to make money with photography if I want to buy new equipment(photography can get expensive). If I don’t make money, I don’t do photography.My wife would lay down the hammer. Haha!!
Because I love taking photos and buying cameras I have learned how to make money with my camera. Here is the thing, It’s exciting to make money with photography. I mean, how many people really do what they want and love and get paid for it? I’m in San Francisco right now on vacation and I’m still making $$!
I have also learned that if I can do it, so can you. It’s not rocket science. I learned by reading books and asking questions. I build a network( I am still building it) so that others would know what I do. This last few months things have really blown up.  I am so busy that I can hardly keep going. I have tons of portrait sessions, and I am shooting commercial photography and now I am getting into fashion and fine art portraiture. I’ve been asked to do a year long photography project too!  I have a full time job that I will be leaving it soon! YAY!
It all started online. I learned about stock photography and other places to show my work and how to market myself online. I remember last Christmas when an ad agency from NYC got hold of me and asked me to shoot for! It was fun and I got paid good too!  
You can do it too! Imagine you could live where ever you want and make money online by selling your work.  If you sold your photography online where would you live? What kinds of things would you do when you didn’t have to punch a clock and work a 9 to 5 shift? Actually, you could probably do what ever you want to do and live where ever you want too. 
You don’t have to be the best photographer(I’m not), and you don’t have to be the smartest person around. You just need to learn how to make money online. It has taken me about 9 months of serious work to get to where I am at. It might take you longer or maybe not, but if I don’t try you will never know. If you could see yourself  9 months from know making 30 dollars a day selling photography online, what would you think? Now image seeing yourself in 3 years making 150 dollars a day and probably way more! Now image 5 years….
How would your life be different?  What kind of car would you drive? What would your schedule look like? Would your commute to work be gone? Could you afford that dream vacation?  You get the point.  

It will be a good start. One thing I realized a while ago is that books are an investments. I have spend a ton of money of books. I have read self help books, montivational books, photography books, business books, investment books.  I read a lot.  My wife says I’m a nerd. She’s right. I still tuck my t-shirt into my jeans. LOL
This is one of the images that I sell online. Nothing fancy. Actually, images like this are easier to sell online than artsy stuff! I know, Who would have thought?
Now, don’t expect to make money overnight. It will take some time. The trick to becoming successful with selling your work on line it to never give up. Be committed. If you have the knowledge and are keep at it, it will happen! Plus as you go along, you will get better and smarter about it and then BAM!! Your making money!
This ebook has really helped me and I am sure it will do the same for you!!

Are you interested in learning how to make money with photography Check out this ebook and learn how to make money with photography!!  

There are other ebooks in the shoppe page of this site but I would start with this one. It is easy to understand and will give you the knowledge to get started.  I will warn you that after reading this ebook you will need to take action. You can’t read it and then decide that you will do it later. If you are gonna do that please don’t buy it. It will be a waste of money. But if you really want to make money with photography online, and you really want to change your life, get this ebook. It’s the starting point!  I want you to succeed and I am here to help you. It was one if the best investments I ever paid for! For me it has paid for itself at least 100 times over and will continue to do more.  
Where will you be in 9 months? Making money with photography, or sitting on your couch thinking you should have invested in your education 9 months ago? You decide.  You know the path I chose.

I need to tell you that I do make a few dollars if you buy this ebook. I need to feed my family and pay for expensive photography equipment, but I only recommend books and products that I believe in and have tried. So help me support my family and learn  how to support yours at the same time!! If you have questions feel free to send me a message at
Thanks, Brian!