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Photography Tips- Out of Focus can be Good in a Photograph.

Photography Tips- Out of Focus can be Good in a Photograph

You are probably thinking I am crazy. Right. I will admit it. I am. Everyone know is. Here’s the thing. I do think that having an image that is out if focus can be good sometimes. Notice I said sometimes. I had a session with a lovely lady the other day and I was shooting with a lens that has really shallow depth of field.  I decided to see what would happen if i experimented with having her out of focus, but still the main subject. I shot ditigal because I still have a hard time affording to shoot film for something like this and because it was experimental and digital is cheaper and I could see it right away, why would I shoot film for this. So. I shot and shot and shot, Cause that’s what I do. Here are a few examples of what I mean. I like them out of focus. What do you think? Really, I want to know.
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I am in a hotel room in Bozeman Montana and it is about 7:15am and I will leave soon but since I will be staying in Hotels for a while I will make the best of the time and do more posts. I hope you enjoy my blog and my photos. Do you know that I own a photography school in Missoula Montana and I teach workshops? You do know. Visit my Facebook page for Missoula Photography School to learn more about my workshops and how you can attend!
Click here for the link!

Brian Johnson is the owner and main writer for Buffaloz Photography Training. He is a bit weird at times but is always a fun likable guy. He also owns Missoula Photography School and Ayres Photography.