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Critique #2 for H.B.

Here is another review for HB.

Very nice!!!  You framed the photo with blossoms.  Good composition.  The exposure is good too.  This is a good shot!! There’s not much else to say!

An Idea for Christmas

I don’t know about you, but I am pretty happy with some of my photos.  My friends and family like them too. So, Why not give a photograph to them for Christmas?  The only problem I have with this is deciding what type of frame to use.  Does it fit with the other frames on the wall?  Is it always best to go with a basic white matte and black frame? Why not make it something different? I found this site online called Fotoflot . This is pretty cool. It solves the dilemma of which frame to use because there is no frame.  Check it out and let me know if you like it.


Travel Photography Without Traveling? I’m Serious!

Here’s a good idea. You want to get into travel photography but don’t have the money or time?  Well, do it from home.  You don’t need to travel to sell your photos. Here is an example. I live in Southern Utah. I want to do travel photos but can’t afford a trip to Japan (I really would like to take a few weeks off and visit there). But, where I live, there several national parks that are within a hundred mile radius. I could visit Zion’s or Bryce Canyon.  You say you don’t have any national parks near you?  Photograph your town. Now you say it is too small? Come one. I lived in Malad, Idaho, population under 3000 and I still found tons of stuff to shoot. So, there is no excuse not do travel photography. After you get a few good ones, go out and sell them. You can use the money you get from them to buy more photo equipment.  Have fun and don’t forget to bookmark this site and visit often. Thanks and enjoy!

Here are a few of my “local” travel shots.

Building a Triangle: Composition for Two or More People.

Today our lesson is on how to photograph a family. This idea also works great for couples.  It’s really simple. When posing more than one person at a time, build a pyramid.  Here is an example…

Do you see the pyramid? If you don’t I have made it easier to see below. Take a look…

Now it is easier to see.  A lot of photographers will pose a couple or family standing up. I think it creates a more pleasing composition when the family (couple) is sitting.  Don’t get me wrong, there are some times when a standing pose looks great, but I like it better when families and couples are sitting.  Also, traditionally the male’s head should be posed above the female’s head.  Notice also that I used the arm of the man in this photo to complete the triangle. This is not a perfect photo. There are a few things I could do better in this shot, but the point of this lesson is to show how to pose a family (or couple).  The idea of the triangle or pyramid can also be used in posing a person by himself or herself.  When shooting a portrait, put the subject’s hands on their hips or in their pockets.  Never pose a standing person with their arms straight to their sides.  So, to wrap it up, always create a pyramid.  If you have any questions let me know. Thanks for looking and don’t forget to bookmark this page:)

When Blur is a Good Thing. Dedicated to Head Bangers.

So, most of the time when a photo is blurred it is a bad thing. Well, would you say I was crazy if I said sometimes blur is a good thing? I knew it, you think I am crazy.  I am a bit, I mean I can act weird sometimes. My wife says….uh well, let’s leave it at that.
Anyway, I believe that blur can be very effective if used in the right situation. Sometimes you find yourself thinking, “What am I going to do? I forgot my flash and now my photos won’t turn out.”
That is what happened the other night. I went to see Korean dancers. I really could have banged my head against the seat in front of me, but then the police would have asked me to leave.  I had forgotten my flash.  Instead I just figured I would make the best out of it. This is what I got:

Not too shabby eh? this was taken at f2.8 at 4 seconds.
Well, next time you get in a situation like I put myself in, don’t be a head banger, just have fun and do the best you can.
I would love to hear your comments, leave a few 🙂

Mystic Forest

I took this photo about 2 years ago.  The fog was pretty thick and it was very pretty. It was taken in Montana, near Missoula. This is one of those shots where I happened to have my camera with me.  I always carry my camera now because you never know if you will miss a good shot. Luckily for me, I had my camera on me that day.

Flashing Yourself! (What?)

Well, here is my first photography lesson for all of you out there.  This lesson will teach you how to get a better protrait with a basic lighting set up.  You can get the equipment to do this for about 100 dollars.  For your info, I get almost all of my equipment from B and H Photo out of New York.  They are great to work with and I recommend checking them out.  Also, check Ebay for great used photo gear. I guess I better explain what a strobe is for those of you who don’t know.  A strobe is simply a flash.  Some cameras have flashes built into the top of them. To take a photo like this you need to have a flash unit that is seperate from the camera body.   For the photo below I use a single strobe (flash unit) on a light stand with a remote trigger unit attached to it.  A remote trigger unit is also know as a slave unit. A remote trigger sets off the flash when light hits it.  When I took this photo I used the small flash that is on the top of my camera to set off  the remote trigger which set off the flash unit and lit me from the side.  The flash unit was about 10 feet from me and the camera was placed on a tripod. I was about 15 feet away from the tripod.  I used a flash meter for this shot, but I have since sold it. I have gotten pretty good at guessing the exposure, but if you have one it will help.  Please feel free to ask questions about this post. I will answer them in a timely manner.  Now it’s time to go out and have some fun.  Thanks for reading! (click on the photos below to see them larger)

10 Tips for Better Photography!

1.Don’t have a tripod?
Set your camera on a bean bag.
2.Shooting in Rain?
To avoid getting your camera wet use a ziplock plastic bag.
3.Want to shoot close-ups but don’t want to spend the money on a new macro lens?
Buy a reversal ring. They cost anywhere from $10 to $30.
4.Do you have old lenses that do not fit on your new camera?
There are adaptor rings out there now that will make it so you can put almost any lens on any camera. I have one that allows me to but a Hasselblad lens on a Canon digital camera (Don’t know what a Hasselblad is? Google it.).
5.Need a reflector for a photo shoot?
Wear a white t-shirt and use yourself as a reflector. Or  aluminum foil on a peice of cardboard works great. A small one can be used to lighten the shadows of a flower.
6.Speaking of flowers, do you have an ugly background behind the flower?  Take a piece of colored paper and place it on the background, or use an 8×10 print of a photo you have taken to liven it up a bit!
7. Do you worry that you are going to scratch up a nice lens when putting it in a back pack or bag?  Wrap it in a sock.
8.Want to create a soft focus look?
Use an old pair of pantyhose over the lens. White will look diffent than black or nude so have fun experimenting.
9. Need some software to edit photos?
Download Picassa 3 for free and start to experiment.
10. Want to become a better photographer?
Be patient, go out and do it, and keep on learning!  You will never get good if you just wish for it 🙂

My Favorite Place for Family Photos!!!!

You are going to think I am crazy and the truth is that I am a little bit. When it comes to photographing my family, the best place I have found is the kitchen table.  What the? Yes, I am serious and I will tell you why.  It’s easy, and the kids can’t run away. LOL. Seriously, I love to get shots of my fam at the kitchen table. There are always fun photos like kids with pudding or spaghetti all over them. Then they get a little older and they look at you so tenderly.  My daughter is at the stage where she looks and me and says “I love you Daddy”. It melts my heart. Anyway, next time you are sitting down for a good meal at the table, break out your camera and have some fun. Thanks for visiting, don’t forget to bookmark this blog and if you have questions or want to know about something, let me know. Frank, don’t worry. I’m getting ready to do a post for you on which f-stop to use in which situation.

Being a Bad Weather Friend!

Tonight I was out in a rain storm having fun.  A few posts ago I told you that bad weather is your friend.  This is what I got from the storm. Hope you enjoy!Storm over Cedar City Utah