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Creative Film Photography

Creative Film Photography
I have always loved film photography. To me it seems like a challenge. It’s exciting. I like the idea of not seeing what the photo looks like right away and I also look forward to getting film back.
Lately I have been developing my own film. I bought the supplies at my local camera shop and since it had been 20 years from the last time I had developed my own black and white film I decided I would research it a bit and make sure I remembered how to do it.
Funny thing. I am better at it now than I was 20 years ago. This might be because I am more patient when it come to putting the film on the spools. I get fewer crescents in my film and it just seems easier than it was 20 years ago.
Here is the thing. I don’t have a film scanner at the moment and I am in the process of getting an enlarger to make prints. In the meantime I wanted to find a way to show my work to others. I know it has been done before but in desperation I came up with a way to get a positive image from the negative at no cost.
What I do is I take the negatives and tape them to the front of my studio window. Then with m digital I take a few shots. Then I upload them into photoshop( which I rarely use) and invert the image. This is what I get. To see more of these images you can visit my Facebook page. There is a link below. If you have questions let me know on Facebook.
Link to images on Facebook

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Training and Tutorials.

Brian Johnson is the owner and main writer for Buffaloz Photography Training. He is a bit weird at times but is always a fun likable guy. He also owns Missoula Photography Schooland Ayres Photography. 

What is Aperture.

Buffaloz Photography Training
What is Aperture.
This is me.

Brian Johnson is the owner of Missoula Photography School, Buffaloz Photography Training and Ayres Photography. He pretty much almost always has a camera on him. Actually, he usually has at least 4. He likes to teach and shoot and loves to learn. Yeah, even after 25 years of learning he is still trying to figure stuff out! Aren’t we all?

Buffaloz Photography Training. Free Online Photography Tips, Training And Tutorials.

Photography Tips: 25 Photography Quotes That You Should Know

25 Photography Quotes That You Should Know:

I have always loved these guys! 

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Training and Tutorials.

Brian Johnson is the owner and main writer for Buffaloz Photography Training. He is a bit weird at times but is always a fun likable guy. He also owns Missoula Photography School and Ayres Photography. 

Why You Should Shoot for Free when Starting a Photography Business.

Why You Should Shoot for Free when Starting a Photography Business.
People now ask me all the time to photograph them. They want to pay me to shoot them. I love it. Who

wouldn’t They also tell me that I do an amazing job and that my images should be in magazines. Again, what photographer wouldn’t love that.

My students ask me all the time how I got to this point. So, here is the secret. I worked my butt off. I shot for a whole year pretty much for free!! There are several reason why I shot for free and I am going to tell you them. There is good and bad with this just like anything else. I could have shot for a little money and made some extra cash. So why didn’t I do that?
The reasons I shot for free.
Now first I must say that I didn’t do every thing for free. I did take some paid jobs and if someone offered to pay I did not turn them down. 
Here is my theory why it is better to shoot for free than to charge a little. A lot of photographers start out and really, need practice. So they don’t charge a lot. They want to draw business. The charge half of what others charge and they make a little money. They build a small client base. Then as they want to make more  money they raise their prices. this causes a major problem. The client base they build is not the client base they want and the client base can no longer afford the photographer. Also, they are not shooting the clients they want to shoot. 
Another problem is that when you are starting out you need a lot of practice and you need to build a great portfolio. When you are only taking paying client you don’t enough practice and you don’t get to chose the people you photograph. They choose you. 
A long time ago I decided that if I was going to do photography i needed to make it worth my while. I have bill and a family. I need to save for retirement. I want a nice car sooner or later. Why would a be a starving artist and end up working forever. I can not give up my dream. My dream is to retire early and live is a big city and walk around and shoot street photography. 
If I shoot a session and make 200 dollars I can’t reach my goals. Why would I Give up my financial goals to do photography? I wouldn’t. It is my personal belief that I am responsible for myself. I am not going to count on someone else to pay my bills or pay for me to retire. I have to do it. So, If I want to work full-time in photography then I have to make it so I can reach my goals. 
Those are a few of the main reasons I used to shoot for free. I still do sometimes but I am now on the way to getting paid good for what I love to do!! 
Brian Johnson is the owner of Missoula Photography School, Buffaloz Photography Training and Ayres Photography. He pretty much almost always has a camera on him. Actually, he usually has at least 4. He likes to teach and shoot and loves to learn. Yeah, even after 25 years of learning he is still trying to figure stuff out! Aren’t we all?

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Tips, Training and Tutorials!

Photography Tips: How to Be Successful At Photography

Photography Tips: How to Be Successful At Photography

I teach, I shoot, I manage, I do more than I should. I am working hard to be successful at photography.

Things have really blown up for me lately when it comes to photography. I had a choice to make last year and I decided that I needed to make tough decisions and follow through with them. I had a choice wether to follow my dream of being a photographer or go back to school and find a different path. I chose photography. It’s been tough but I want to share a few things that I believe have made the difference.

1. If you want to be successful at photography it has to be your life. I can’t just do it once in a while. You have to be thinking about it daily. You have to want it.  You have to create the desire for success. You have to keep on learning.

2. You need to be committed. If you give up in a month, well, then what do I say. Make a commitment. Write out a 1 and a 3 and a 5 year plan.

3. Shoot, shoot, shoot!! The more you shoot the more confident you become and the better you get.

4. This was the turning point for me. For a long time I wanted my photographs to look like everyone else’s. I liked others work so why not imitate it. This was my biggest mistake. I finally decided to do what I wanted. I didn’t know that others would like it but I know that at least my work wouldn’t look like everyone else’s.  It has paid off. I am setting myself apart and I am getting more work than ever before.

Dare to be different. Dare to be bold. Be confident in what you do and in time you will be successful at photography.

Brian Johnson is the owner and main writer for Buffaloz Photography Training. He is a bit weird at times but is always a fun likable guy. He also owns Missoula Photography School and Ayres Photography. 

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips. Training and Tutorials.

Film Vs. Digital: Which is Better?

Film Vs. Digital: Which is better?

We all have our opinions right? Yeah, we do. And this is totally my opinion. Really it’s like trying to have a discussion about wether Canon or Nikon is better. We all know that Leica is the best anyway!! Haha!

O.K. Well,  here is the question, Which is better, Film or digital? I’m not going to go into the whole talk about the advantages and disadvantages of them. You all know them. People say with digital you get instant feedback and it’s easy to learn. That is true. With Film you have to wait and it’s a bit nerve racking for those who are unsure of getting the shot. Really, there are lots of advantages to both. So I would rather focus on the look and feel of the shot.

I wanted to know what the difference was when you compared them side to side.
So, I went out and took a few shots. I took the same shot with my digital camera and them the same shot seconds later with film. I will say that I prefer the film. The digital shots seem flat and lifeless. The film is just nicer to look at. I could say a lot more but I really want to know what you think.
I do need to mention that all the shots were touched up in Photoshop. But I should also mention that I did almost nothing to the Film shots. The most I did was maybe dodge and burn a bit and then throw a bit of softness on them. The digital were a lot more time cosuming and it’s sad because I like the film shots a lot more!

Here are a few shots. Which ones do you prefer?


Brian Johnson is the owner of Missoula Photography School, Buffaloz Photography Training and Ayres Photography. He pretty much almost always has a camera on him. Actually, he usually has at least 4. He likes to teach and shoot and loves to learn. Yeah, even after 25 years of learning he is still trying to figure stuff out! Aren’t we all?

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Training and Tutorials

Powered my lack of sleep and the will to get things done.

Photography Tips:How to Be More Creative in Your Photography

Photography Tips:How to Be More Creative in Your Photography 

I have to confess something. I am behind the times. See, when I first started out in photography we had this thing called film. Remember that you oldtimers? Yeah, that is when I had teeth too. Haha! I’m kidding, well at least about some of it. I really am behind the time. I still love film and even though I shoot digital a lot I don’t know much about photoshop.
 photo missoulaphotoschoolcom_zps0cc63285.jpgThat has been changing recently. I realized that to get where I want my work to go I have to know photoshop. I have now embarked on a journey to be more creative. Yeah, I’ll still shoot portrait and the bread and butter stuff I need to make a living, but it doesn’t excite me so I’m gonna get creative.
 photo missoula-photo-school_zpsf5b9d637.jpgThe question I had to resolve a few months ago when I realized I wasn’t excited about my work was how do I go about being creative and being proud of my work again. I really haven’t answered that question totally yet. I am still figuring things out. I’m still working on the look and feel I want. I’m searching.
In the quest for creativity I have a few ideas that might help you if you are in a similar situation or even just wondering out to be more creative in your photography.
1st– Don’t be afraid to take risks. This is probably the most important thing. You have to be fearless. Others might not like your work,  you might not like it, but you will learn from it and if you don’t try  you will never do. Try new things. I bought this program for about 5 dollars and used it to make this two images. It was really easy and if I hadn’t taken a risk these two shots would not be here.  Sometimes it’s go to be impulsive.
2nd– Look at other photographers work. Analyze it, research them, study them, find out everything you can about how they do it. And don’t be a stalker. It’s wrong. Really, If you like a certain photographer just find out how they do it. Don’t copy them, but use what and how they do it to make your own look.  I have to say though that I think almost every shot has been done before so there is really no originality of anything anymore. But be yourself.
3rd-Go really big or really small. I think if you want to be a great photographer you either need to keep it really simple or really complex. In between doesn’t work. Big productions and lots of photoshop and make amazing images. Simple one light film shots can be beautiful and stunning. If you decide to do it half way, it won’t work. It’s always best to pre-visualize and plan ahead. Draw your shot out on a piece of paper. Decided how you want to light it. Decide what the model will be wearing if you are shooting a model. If you are shooting landscape plan on the best time of day for the light.
4th– Be different- Don’t be afraid to do something that no one else is doing or maybe your friends think is weird. I have always said that if you want to make it in the photography world your work shouldn’t look like the everyone else’s.

Be innovative. be fearless, be creative and see where it takes you!
 photo 8520835606_0607175852_c_zps0de39499.jpgBrian Johnson is the owner of Buffaloz Photography Training. He does a lot of other stuff too. He doesn’t sleep an lot and is no a quest to be more creative. And just so you know he doesn’t do drugs, promise.

Photography Tips: How to start out a Photography Session the Right Way.

Photography Tips: How to start out a Photography Session the Right Way

 photo photographytips_zps05aec48b.jpgHave you ever noticed that when shooting a portrait session with a family or model or almost anyone your first shots are usually the worst ones out of the bunch? I have. I will even tell the client this. They say “Ha! No, they will be fine.” I know they won’t. 
The reason is because at first they are neither comfortable with you nor you with them. As a professional photographer it is your job to make them feel comfortable. That is why you get paid. They want results, you want money. If you can get them to like and trust you they will buy more and you will make more. Everyone gets what they want! Everyone is happy. 
So the question is how to you get them to relax? I do several things that work well. I joke, I smile, I talk to them and if they have kids I might give them nicknames like “Miss Taylor Swift” or “Stinky” for a boy who stepped in dog poo. They laughed and we had fun. We made great photos. 
You can also start the shoot out with a fun shot. I like to have people jump up as a family. This is fun for them and you will also get a great shot most of the time. This is even something you can sell.
in the end everyone is happy and when your customers are happy they tell their friends and people they work with. If you want to grow a business fast make sure the people you photograph like you. Any good salesman know that people buy more from people they like!

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Brian Johnson is the owner and writer for Buffaloz Photography Training. He also owns and runs Missoula Photogrpahy School and Ayres Photography. He did something stupid the other day and promised his followers one post for 30 straight days. He is now regretting it but doing his best to keep his promise! Wish him luck. He has three more weeks then he will pass out!

Photography Training:New Work

Photography Training:New Work

If you follow me on facebook you know that I have a goal of writing one post for 3o days in a row. I am going to do my best to keep this promise. But tonight I am so tired that I think I’m gonna crash so I hope you don’t mind if I just post some shots from my photoshoot I had today with the Lovely Esther. She is a mother of two about to be a mother of three. I Think she will be happy with the shots and I would love to hear what you think about time too. Anyhow, tonight I am just going to post some of my newer work!

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Buffaloz Photography Training is run and written by the extra smart and very tired Brian Johnson. He wants to crash but still have a bit of work to do! 

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Training, And Tutorials

Photography Training: It’s Good to Shoot with Friends!

Photography Training: It’s good to shoot with friends.

A lot of times when learning photography you are sitting in front of a computer look at a blog or website  watching a video or reading a post. Does this sound familiar? Haha!! Your doing it right now! There is nothing wrong with it and I it is a great way to learn. I recommend it! But, to really learn you 

need to practice. You need to read and learn and then go out and shoot! I love to go out and shoot! I do it a lot. I will go downtown at night and just shoot for an hour or two at night sometime. Sometimes I get up early in the morning and go out for a drive and take shots for an hour or two.
 photo missoulaphotoschool_zpsa5acdead.jpgYou know what is better than going out alone? Going out with friends or other photographers. You can learn so much quicker when you are helping each other out!
I run a photography school in Montana and we did this tonight. We went out with a few of us and took shots for a few hours. It was so much fun! We got a ton of good shots!
So If you want to learn quicker, join a local group, hang out with other photographers and read this blog!

 photo 8520835606_0607175852_c_zps0de39499.jpgBrian Johnson is a Professional photographer who owns Missoula Photography School and also Runs Buffaloz Photography Training. Brian doesn’t sleep a lot! 

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Training, Tips, and Tutorials