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Photography Tips: A Simple Model Shoot at Sunset

Photography Tips: A Simple Model Shoot at Sunset
I have to say that this is an amazing video. You can learn a lot from watching it. If you have questions leave a comment and I will do my best to answer it.  Enjoy!!!

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Tutorials and Training

Photography Training: Ebook for Beginner Photographers

Photography Training-Digital Photography For The Creative Eye ebook!

Digital Photography For The Creative Eye Click Here! Only $14 dollars!
Another great book that everyone should have

This is  a great ebook to get started with learning photography.
Here are some of the things you will learn about
DSLR Photography Essentials
 Learn How Digital Camera Works
What is Digital Image & Digital Color
Understand Photography Light 
Creative Photography Techniques 
Digital Image Editing 
If you are starting out in photography and just need help with the basics this ebook will really help. 
Learn how to take better portraits

Learn about the different types of lighting

And learn the basics of Composition
Become a better photographer and all it costs is 14 dollars.  It costs less than a trip with my kids to Mcdonalds.
I look at books as an investment. I read a lot and I have become a better photographer because of continual learning. If you want to be a great photographer you need to keep learning and learning. This book is simple to understand and fun to read.
Digital Photography For The Creative Eye Click Here! Only $14 dollars!
Just so you know, I do make a little money when you purchase an ebook from this site. I need to pay the bills and support my family of 4, soon to me 5. Here’s the thing though, I only recommend products that I have used myself and I feel are of the highest quality. So help support this blog and my family and become a better photographer at the same time!!  If you have questions or concerns you can shoot me an email at
Thanks, Brian
Owner of Buffaloz Photography Training and Professional Photographer

Photography Training: Learn about TLR Cameras!

Photography Training
Photography Training: Learn about TLR Cameras!

A great video on Twin Lens Reflex Cameras!! Yes, It’s film. Don’t be afraid. There pretty easy to use and a lot of fun!!
Photography Training: Learn about TLR Cameras!

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Photography Training: How to Make Money with Photography Online.

Photography Training: How to Make Money with Photography Online.
I get asked all the time how I make money with photography online. In fact, I get asked how much too. 
Here is the thing, I married and I have a family to support. I have to make money with photography if I want to buy new equipment(photography can get expensive). If I don’t make money, I don’t do photography.My wife would lay down the hammer. Haha!!
Because I love taking photos and buying cameras I have learned how to make money with my camera. Here is the thing, It’s exciting to make money with photography. I mean, how many people really do what they want and love and get paid for it? I’m in San Francisco right now on vacation and I’m still making $$!
I have also learned that if I can do it, so can you. It’s not rocket science. I learned by reading books and asking questions. I build a network( I am still building it) so that others would know what I do. This last few months things have really blown up.  I am so busy that I can hardly keep going. I have tons of portrait sessions, and I am shooting commercial photography and now I am getting into fashion and fine art portraiture. I’ve been asked to do a year long photography project too!  I have a full time job that I will be leaving it soon! YAY!
It all started online. I learned about stock photography and other places to show my work and how to market myself online. I remember last Christmas when an ad agency from NYC got hold of me and asked me to shoot for! It was fun and I got paid good too!  
You can do it too! Imagine you could live where ever you want and make money online by selling your work.  If you sold your photography online where would you live? What kinds of things would you do when you didn’t have to punch a clock and work a 9 to 5 shift? Actually, you could probably do what ever you want to do and live where ever you want too. 
You don’t have to be the best photographer(I’m not), and you don’t have to be the smartest person around. You just need to learn how to make money online. It has taken me about 9 months of serious work to get to where I am at. It might take you longer or maybe not, but if I don’t try you will never know. If you could see yourself  9 months from know making 30 dollars a day selling photography online, what would you think? Now image seeing yourself in 3 years making 150 dollars a day and probably way more! Now image 5 years….
How would your life be different?  What kind of car would you drive? What would your schedule look like? Would your commute to work be gone? Could you afford that dream vacation?  You get the point.  

It will be a good start. One thing I realized a while ago is that books are an investments. I have spend a ton of money of books. I have read self help books, montivational books, photography books, business books, investment books.  I read a lot.  My wife says I’m a nerd. She’s right. I still tuck my t-shirt into my jeans. LOL
This is one of the images that I sell online. Nothing fancy. Actually, images like this are easier to sell online than artsy stuff! I know, Who would have thought?
Now, don’t expect to make money overnight. It will take some time. The trick to becoming successful with selling your work on line it to never give up. Be committed. If you have the knowledge and are keep at it, it will happen! Plus as you go along, you will get better and smarter about it and then BAM!! Your making money!
This ebook has really helped me and I am sure it will do the same for you!!

Are you interested in learning how to make money with photography Check out this ebook and learn how to make money with photography!!  

There are other ebooks in the shoppe page of this site but I would start with this one. It is easy to understand and will give you the knowledge to get started.  I will warn you that after reading this ebook you will need to take action. You can’t read it and then decide that you will do it later. If you are gonna do that please don’t buy it. It will be a waste of money. But if you really want to make money with photography online, and you really want to change your life, get this ebook. It’s the starting point!  I want you to succeed and I am here to help you. It was one if the best investments I ever paid for! For me it has paid for itself at least 100 times over and will continue to do more.  
Where will you be in 9 months? Making money with photography, or sitting on your couch thinking you should have invested in your education 9 months ago? You decide.  You know the path I chose.

I need to tell you that I do make a few dollars if you buy this ebook. I need to feed my family and pay for expensive photography equipment, but I only recommend books and products that I believe in and have tried. So help me support my family and learn  how to support yours at the same time!! If you have questions feel free to send me a message at
Thanks, Brian!

Photography Training: A Few Shots From Our Vacation So Far!

Photography Training: A Few Shots From Our Vacation So Far!

I thought I would share a few shots from my families vacation so far. We are staying in Oakland but we are going into San Francisco for most of the days. Anyhow, Here are a few shots I took today! Hopefully I will have more for tomorrow. Hope you enjoy!

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Tutorials and Training!

Photography Training: How to Protect your Gear from Being Stolen

Buffaloz Photography Training: How to Protect your Gear from Being Stolen 

I am on vacation right now and I am really having fun. I was going to wait back to do a post but after yesterday I decided I should just do a quick post. Anyhow, I am in a big city with my family and I never thought I would need to be concerned about someone robing me and taking my gear till yesterday. I was on a local transit system and saw three fights yesterday.  I grew up in Kansas City and was not too worried about my safety, but I have now lived in a small town in Montana for over 20 years.
I have been carrying three cameras on this trip, My Leica M3, my Contax G1, and my Lumix G1.  I am carrying several expensive lenses. I know that Leica has the MP version which is mostly unmarked, thus safer to carry when in a dangerous area, but I really thought it was kinda stupid till yesterday. I mean, why wouldn’t you want others to know you shoot a Leica(I’m a bit of a camera snob). I now understand. Anyhow here are a few tips on how to be safe in a dangerous area. I must note that I am not even in a bad area, I am just in an area that I feel uncomfortable with. I am pretty sure when I was 16 and in areas of Kansas City I did not worry at all. Living in a small town has changed me a bit.

Leica MP

1. Use an old bag. This way you do not draw attention to yourself and your gear.

2. Try to fit in and not look out of place. This way others will not notice you as much

3. Pay attention to your surroundings.  Look around  and know where the danger is. If someone is making you uncomfortable get away from them. Large crowds are good. Don’t go somewhere where you will be by yourself.

4. Use the buddy system and if at all possible stay with a group of people. One thing that is really nice is that I have children. People have actually apologized for bad language and smoking weed in front of them several times since we have been here. I am not saying that you should use your children for protection, I would never put my children in harms way but I know from past experience that others are careful what they do around children. But be careful and NEVER put your children in danger. In fact, if you do get in trouble and your children are with you, your first responsibility should be to protect them. I would give my life to protect mine.

5. Switch out your memory card every once in a while. That way if you camera is stolen, at least you won’t lose all of your images.

6. Carry your bag in front and keep it zipped up. It might look weird but are you concerned more about your appearance or not losing your gear. For me, my gear is worth more than my two cars combined. It would be devastating to lose it.

7. Make sure your gear is insured. This way if it is gone at least you will be able to replace it.

8. If you are carrying expensive gear use tape to cover the logos and anything that might attract attention.
Leica owners do this all the time.

9. Be careful and trust your instincts. If you are unsure about something don’t do it or go there. Is it really worth losing your life, or gear? I think not.

That’s about it. There are a lot more things you can do. I have just named a few and you are welcome to add some more of your own. Leave a comment and I am sure that others will appreciate it.!!


Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Tutorials,  and Training

Photography Training: Improve your photos with two simple rules

Photography Training
Great video on how to improve you photography by doing a few simple things!
Great video!

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Training, Tips, and Tutorials

Photography Training: How To Use Natural Light for Portraits!

Photography Training: How To Use Natural Light for Portraits!

Great video on how to use natural light for portraits!

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Training, Tips, and Tutorials!

Photography Training:How to use a cloth photo backdrop on location

Photography Training:How to use a cloth photo backdrop on location
Great video! This is a good idea!!

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Training, Tips, and Tutorials!

Photography Training: Flower Photography

Photography Training: Flower Photography 

Great video on how to photography Flowers!

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Training and Tutorials!