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How to Pose a Male Subject in Photos!

Great video on posing.  Posing is one of the hardest things to master. This video will help you pose men!

Buffaloz Photography Trianing: Free online photography tips, tutorials, and training

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How to Shoot a Portrait Session!

Here is a great video on how to shoot a portrait session!!

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips and Training

Tips on Posing Couples for Weddings and Portraits

Great video on posing for weddings! Actually, you can use this for portraits too! Enjoy!

Short Video On Poses You Can Use When Photographing People!

Ok, I don’t like the music but there are some great poses in here that will help you pose people you photograph.

A few Tips on Posing for Portraits!!

Great Short Video on Posing tips.  See a Pro in Action!!

The best place to learn about photography!!

Short video on Posing Tips!

This is a really short video on a few tips for posing people!! Enjoy!!

The best place to learn about photography!

Posing and lighting for portraits!

Some great Tips on posing and lighting for portrait photography!!

Portrait Posing Tips!!

Portrait posing tips!!!