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Photography Training: Fashion Photograph Video

Photography Training: Fashion Photography

First, I must say that I like Emily Soto. She is an amazing photographer. 
That being said, after I watched this video I decided I’m buying a beauty dish.  
Right now I use natural lighting almost all the time.  Anyhow, Watch this and you can decided for yourself.

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Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Training, Tips and Tutorials

Photography Training: Thank you!

Photography Training

I usually don’t share many of my own images on this site. I 
tend to focus on tips and training. Well, I have decided to share a few of my shots for you to see. I hope you like them.  I really just want to say thank you to all of you who visit my blog and read or watch the things I post. Thanks you so much for being part of my life and letting me into yours. If you ever need anything from me please let me know and I will do my best to provide it. 
Anyhow, here are a few of my images! 
Hope you enjoy!! Thank you!

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Training and Tutorials

Photography Training: Self Portrait every day for 12.5 years!

Photography Training
This is simply amazing! This guy shot a self portait if himself everyday for 12.5 years!!

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Tutorials and Training

Photography Training: Improve your photos with two simple rules!

Photography Training

Improve your photos with two simple rules

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Tutorials and Training

Photography Tips: 25 Photography Quotes That You Should Know!

Photography Tips

Just a few fun quotes for famous photographers!

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Training and Tutorials!

Photography Training:Fuji X-E1 Hands-On Preview

Photography Training
Quick video on the new Fuji S-E1 Camera!

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Tutorials, and Training

Photography Training: How To Use A Reflector In Outdoor Photography

Photography Training: How To Use A Reflector In Outdoor Photography

Great Video on how to use a reflector when shooting portriats!  The funny thing is you don’t need a professional reflector. In a pinch, I’ve used a white T-shirt and a newspaper!!


Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Tutorials, and Training

Photography Tips: Manual Exposure – How and why you need it

Great Video! I couldn’t have said it any better!

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tutorials, Training and Tips!

Photography Tips: How to shoot and Sell Stock Photography

Photography Tips

Tips on how to shoot and sell stock photography!!

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Training and Tutorials!

Photography Tips: 10 top tips for travel photographers

Some great tips to think about when you go on your next vacation!

Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips Training and Tutorials!