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Neutral Density Filter. How to Create Motion in Water.

If  you think this is a hard shot to get you are wrong. I did 4 things.
1. I put the camera on a Tripod
2. I set the camera on f/16 and the aperture priority setting.
3. I attached a neutral density filter.
4. I set the timer for 2 seconds so I would not shake the camera while pushing the shutter button.

This is all there is to it. So the question most of you will ask is what is a neutral density filter?
Simply put and ND filter is a glass or plastic filter that is darkened so that more time or a bigger aperture is needed to gain a correct exposure. This is what a ND filter looks like.

If you attach this to the front of your lens you can either use a longer shutter speed or a larger aperture. It’s really simple and the effects are amazing. You can purchase an Nd filter online for about 18-100 dollars. I use a Fader ND filter. I like the faders because I can carry one filter and not have to worry about stacking them on top of each other if I need a longer exposure. Remember that when you put a filter over your lens it can distort your image. Be careful when you purchase filters. If you get a cheap one it might cause color issues or other quality problems with your images. That being said I paid 18 dollars for my filter.

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Buffaloz Photography Training: Free Online Photography Tips, Training and Tutorials.

Brian Johnson is the owner and main writer for Buffaloz Photography Training. He is a bit weird at times but is always a fun likable guy. He also owns Missoula Photography Schooland Ayres Photography. 

How to Take Pictures of Fire… or Maybe Water Instead..

Great Video on how to take photos of water.. It started out as fire but ends up as water!

Learn how to get that Dreamy Look in Photos with Water!

Learn how to get that dreamy look in photos with Water!

Video on how to Photograph a Splash!

Great video from my friends at Enjoy!

The best place to learn about photography!!

How to shoot River Landscapes!!

How to shoot river landscapes with moving water!! 

How to Photograph a Water Droplet!!!

This is really cool!!